There exists an account of third genders in the history of particular countries. Third gender/sex is defined as individuals that are categorized, either by themselves or by their society or culture and of their beliefs, as neither man nor woman. This ideal is socially accepted by the society and by the whole world. However, no one can escape the negative opinions and comments about the third gender/sex. Some third gender/sex were traditions passed from one generation to another, some are being part of the third gender or sex because of their own objectives, or some would be part of the their socially accepted third gender/sex because that is the only way they could help their family and themselves.
In India, they have Hijra. Hijras are individuals born male, but they wear female clothes. There are only specific cities/provinces in India that they are able to express themselves freely because for example in the main city, Hijras are being considered low profiles. They are unappreciated in some cities in India. As I said, no one could escape negative opinions and comments on third gender/sex in today's world, although Hijra is a socially acceptable third gender/sex.
Another one would be the Sworn Virgins of Albania. These individuals were born female and took the vow of chastity and wore male clothes. Some of them chose to become sworn virgins to exchange their limited women rights for freedom in their society because men have freedom and independence from their society. This third gender/sex group are those that change their gender because they want freedom and want their rights to be heard. However, number of sworn virgins of Albania today have fallen.
There are a lot more of the third gender/sex that are socially acceptable today, another group is the Berdache from the native Americans. The Fa'afafine in Samoa, etc. We must respect these third gender/sex groups because they have their own traditions and beliefs, and rights just like a normal individual has.
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