Catcalling is obviously a street harassment. As it harass, most especially, women in the streets. Some people would say catcalling happens because on what the woman is wearing. They based the urge of men to catcall in the streets because they said it is because of what the lady was wearing. Until today, this is a very wide topic being discussed and some, debated, upon. 

Image from Collective Action DCCatcalling supposed to lower a lady's self-esteem and confidence. Catcalling is not okay. Personally, I think nobody wants to be catcalled. Unless, a woman is very proud of her physique that being catcalled is fine. I do not mean, however, that it is wrong to feel fine when being catcalled, if you enjoy the attention, no problem. It is up to you anyway. But, being catcalled is not meant to brighten up your day, it is an obvious sign of disrespect to women. Regardless on what a woman is wearing. 

Since catcalling is a form of harassment then it is more than just rudeness. In the concept of gender, harassment often ends up being a way for men to exert control over women and their bodies. These cat-callers must know when to stop and just be polite.


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